Sunday, June 10, 2012

Our Garden...........................

We moved into our home a few months ago, and I was waiting to see where the sun shined during the day before we started planting.  The spot is not ideal, but it works for now.   We decide to keep things in planters until next season.    I am so proud of Chris; he put together a drip system for our plants...  

Fear turns to Motivation...

In order to understand my fear turns to motivation, I have to take you back a few months. My last half was a PR 2:04! I haven't seen that number in several years, after a car accident and over two years to recover fully, I didn't think I could run like I use to. I found that not to be true, my boyfriend told me I had it in me; I didn't believe him or in myself. However, that day of the Vancouver USA half I found it again. With the help of three men who believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. My dad has always told me I could do anything I put my mind to. Chris, told me there was no reason I could not run 8-minute mile. Bart Yasso who I've only met recently, saw me at the start of the race and asked me what I thought I would do the race in, and I replied 2:30 if I am lucky, he looked at me and said no you can do it much faster at least 2:00. I laughed and said thanks, but I don't think so. When the gun went off I thought about what Bart had said and our conversation about how fast I looked... Maybe just maybe I can come close to my PR time of 2:05, oh that would be great, but not wanting to get my hopes up. I set my site on a 2:15 just so I would not be disappointed in myself. As I ran and kept track of my times, I was on pace to run a good race, but I didn't want to get too excited I was only at mile 6. AT about, mile 9, that self-doubt was creeping in, but I heard that very familial voice, it was my dad cheering me on, just like he did at all my soccer games when I was a kid, his voice kept me going. I looked at my garmin and new if I had any change of coming in at a decent time I needed to keep on pace. As I came up on mile 12, all was good, I can do this! Just as quick as I started to believe my biggest challenge was right in front of me. I wanted to quit I had no chance of a PR, but then another voice popped in my head, my boyfriend Chris, telling me if you can run up the hill like you run down you could be faster...With that I took off no hill was going to make me miss that PR I was to close to having. I got to the top, and it was a down hill to the finish, yet another obstacle came and that was crapping in my feet. So I dug deep and told myself to run and deal with it at the finish. As I got closer I could see the clock, and I saw my PR. Now here I am months later I didn't get back out and run weeks went by, and my shoes got dusty. It was like I wanted to lose all the hard work I had put in order to get faster. Every time I thought about running I was excited and ready to go, but something would stop me. All the excuses I could come up with worked and kept me from getting out the door... I have had to push myself to get moving. Yesterday I ran 1 mile in 8:45 minute miles okay that is seriously good for me and then today I ran 3 miles in 8:40 minute mile, wow that is a new PR. So as I sat and waited for my son, I started thinking, what is truly stopping me? Why am I sabotaging my runs? After really taking a good hard look back at the last few months, it hit me like a tone of bricks....The fear of not being capable of doing it again, not being able to keep up the pace and disappointing the ones I am running with. I seem to forget why I am running. It's not to keep up but to have fun....

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The road, the man and me

Great run with the hubs and some new friends... I have always dreamed of a man I could run with, and then he walked ran into my life...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Back on the road and if feels great. I ran the Santa Cruz 10k and when I came across the finish line, the man who loves me more than anything was waiting to give m a big hug... Now that's the way to finish a race :)


The past is where she belongs and when she shows her ugly face.  We laugh in it and that folks is the power of   LOVE

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

After several years of spending our time in the Pacific Northwest. We are all settled in the place we love.. Cali!

Saturday, November 12, 2011